Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Surprise Birthday Celebration guys!!Im so excited to tell you this!!I thought that this year celebration was a simple one as I always do with my family..But this happened -->

It all started at 1230am 29th May 2008..while I was busy studying for my mid term posting exam, Azrul called me and asked for me to got downstairs; he really need my help this time around!!So with my "tido" like attire, i got downstairs..Saw him crouching while sitting at the stairs, I tried to ask him what happened to him and what could I help....

By the time I sat down, I saw both Alya and Fana started singing Happy Birthday song to me with a slice of cake with a candle ready for me to blow!!!How terharu gile time tu...I kept quiet and by the time the cake arrived, I was nearly wanna cry!!!Seriously....I never had a surprise like this!!!I covered myself by gosok2 mata..xnk aar org tau I cried!!!Muahahhahha...(Men's Ego) Then all 3 person sung to me the birthday song!! I was so touched by the singing and the cake!!!!Thank you soooooo much dear fren!!!! To Alya dear: u r the best mastermind ever...I'll never forget this occasion!!! To Fana: Thanx for always being supportive to me....u always made me laugh!!! To bro Azrul: I never knew you this i know you better!!!Thanks so much for the effort!! I really appreciate it so much!!! It's unbelievable!!!!!

The celebration does not end there:

After the mid term exam, Azrul, Alya, Milla and me sat down at the terminal having a nice time together...They all ate something but i just have my drink...As Im not celebrating with my Safura today; The 3 of them decided to celebrate it at Midvalley!!! I was the one suggested the place and they agreed!!!

We arrived just after Maghrib, finished solat and everything...waiting for the ladies like lama message from Milla "Jumpe kat depan KFC" Hmm...ok fine...By the time Azrul and I arrived there, Milla was not we just waited for them like lama!!!Hehehhe..By the time Milla came, Alya was not with her..Milla said that she went to the toilet. At first, we decided to watch movie together but there is not much movie to watch since I had watched most of the movies screened that day!!! So Milla asked me to pick a place to eat..Since Im the birthday boy...She suggested some places that i never been before....(As I mentioned, I never had surprise besday celebration)

She suggested CHILLI's and I agreed!! After all this is my 1st visit at Chilli's. Im so LAME!!!Right?? Milla started babling about how nice the food was, even recommended me to some of her favourites....I sat down in a couch as we had to wait for a place..It's damn full and the place is cool!!! I just dont know what to order, instead I asked Milla to order for me!!She just so excited..I just dont know why....For your info, that day: Milla is my Hostess, Azrul is my Driver, and Alya is my Maid...They were all devoted to me and sort of fullfill my desire!!!Thanx a lot!! I really felt like a King!!!

Milla ordered me RibEye Steak!!!Wow!!Giler besar weh..i never ate a big steak before!!I was so full!!! For starter we ordered Triple Play..It was soooooo good!!! you can see the pictures in Milla's blog!!!Hehehhee...They layan me well..I had been fed enough that day!!! All of a sudden..I heard someone singing Happy birthday song...It was the waiters!!!They brought along a cake!!!It was for me!!!Wow!!! I nearly cried again!!!huhuhuuh..korg ni saje je wat aku terharu!!!Anyway...Alya,Azrul and Milla also sang together!!! I had to blow the candles and make a wish!!! Im so touched!!!Dont know why...but they all made me realized that there are friends who always look after each other...Thanx again you guys!!!

After perut dh penuh..I decided to go to Alamanda for karaoke!!!yeay!!! I always love karaoke..especially with my frens!!!Dengan perut penuh ktorg pegi laa karaoke...we chose to sing 10 songs altogether after all this is my day!!!Make use of it kan!!!! Always Milla n me who were singing dgn kencang while Azrul n Alya just hanging around...Sometimes Azrul had his chance to shine!!!We did sing from KRU to BSB to Shayne Ward....This is my dream came thru!!! I didn't asked for a birthday celebration but now I had one!!! It was fantastic!!!

Thanx to MILLA, AZRUL and dearest ALYA for a wonderful day...This was the best present ever for me in my 26 years of life!!! I really appreciate it so very much!!!Thank you soo much!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life as a Paediatrition!!! Milla mentioned in her blog, its our group turn to be with Dato' Dr Musa Nordin. Firstly, being with him really made me a paediatrition..(although im not cool with that) He is a very dedicated person and a very excellent physician. He is so busy and yet he has time for the students. i was facinated with his work!!!

So...1st day was a blast!!i was told to examine a newborn babies!!!There were 2 babies to be examine by Dr Musa that morning..He then told us to wash our hands before touching any baby!!!This is essential to prevent any infection!!!He then very quickly examine and started to explaining to us on what we have to do during the examination..He was very fast that i couln't keep up with his speed...Pity for me!!!=( But he did the examination twice and began to ask us to do the same.....

I was the 1st to examine the baby!!!Wow..i knew i cant do it on my own..i started to stutter in front of him...He was always saying "I'm Hearing!!!Continue!!!Speak up!!!" I kept stutter until Odie took over from me!!!How embarassing for me!!!!!Fuhhhh....What da????
2nd day was also okay but i really improved on my presentation that day!!!although a bit cautious while handing the baby!!!!

Yesterday was the best ever for me....we got chance to put in his OT scrub....and got chance to see C-Section!!!!Wow!!!it was very fast...very2 fast..Dr Musa was the one who sambut the baby!!!

2nd case was also a C-Section but this time the mother had Placenta Previa!!!When Dr Siva started to cut the surface, blood rushes out from the womb...Wow!!!what an experience for me that day!!!i was so facinated with the blood, forgetting that Dr Musa had sambut the baby and started to examine!!!Milla was also 'concern' about the mother but later she was fine!!!Dr Musa quickly did the examination and said the baby is fine!!!Before we went out from the OT, i did congratulate the father and even gave him a thumbs up!!!!hehehhehehe....he did respond the same!!!

Being a paediatrition is not easy and being in a private set up is even more challenging!!!

What Happened???

I kept thinking that everybody is going crazy about their life and doing things that were not supposed to do. I kept trying to help them so that they wont feel lonely and apart from the society...but not everybody like that..sometimes you will find one or two that will make yur life ever harder but that's the facts!!!!

Blaming others is not the way out!!!Stop blaming others since you didnt commit any mistakes!!PLEASE!!!You should be more relax and think of the consequences that follows in every steps you make....careful for every words that you said because every words counts in life!!!

Hopefully you can make your life easier by keep in within your faith....Hopefully you will be more mature in the future because this is not the end of life..this is just a piece of cake you ate and there's more to cherish in this life....

Making it harder will hurt yourself and others too....remember your family, your really2 good friends that always make your day each time you see their face!!!Enjoy your life whenever you can!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hmmm...someone introduced to me this song.At first i was thinking why that she chose this song..
After a while i gone thru the lyrics....i was facinated with every words the singer sings...thanx to trying to learn the song so that i can practice!!!Thanx dear fren!!!

Shayne Ward - Breathless

If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we'd say I do

And if we had babies they would look like you
It'd be so beautiful if that came true
You don't even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I'm thankful for the life we've made

And if we had babies they would have your eyes
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don't even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
You're like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me
You're something special
I only hope that I'll one day deserve what you've given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life

You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me
You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me

Thursday, May 8, 2008

To reach FULL GENETIC POTENTIAL!!!! back!!!at last our home dh ade internet thanx to mr landlord!!!Syukur..Now i can continue was my 3rd day of Paeds, im kind a like it so far..becoz i had found my new skills: main chak2 dgn budak2!!before this kids like me becoz i wore specs but now i can main2 dgn the comelest!!!muahahhahahha...
1st day was the blur day for most of us..we dont know where to go or where to make ourselves comfortable!!sampailaaa our KP pn dh naik giler call sana call cni...At last Dr norizan came and gave us the 1st lecture and brought us around the paeds ward!!!oklaaaa...then that afternoon our beloved coordinator came and brief us on what to do!!!fuhhh....banyak gak keje but im ok with that!!!like so best!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Holiday almost finish!!!!

Salams...its been a while since the holidays start but i just felt that those days are done in an instant!!!phew!!!what a relaxing holiday i had!!!
Next week starts the new posting: Paeds!!!! looking forward to meet the totally prepared for them!!!i like kids!!hopefully they will like me too