Friday, September 5, 2008

Summary of O&G Last i am, waiting for the internet to get better but no!!!! Blame it on TM Net people...

Gosh!!!its been a while since my last post, i guess semua cerita lapuk pasal O&G if boleh xnk aku ingat lagi...

Here it goes...

I've been elected as the leader for the posting as they called me "KONG" (stands for Ketua O&G) ini sume angkara Hilmi..dia yg bg nickname i really hope that i will do my job as a leader well eventhough i am not a good leader. I'm much a follower..

Things were good for me and the group as the posting came by....

Lots things to learn within the 7 weeks of posting with on and off on-calls at night!!!

What a posting for me, O&G really taught me well how to organize myself and the group