Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mira Tag Me again!!!!

1. Have you ever called a person useless?

Pernah  xckp depan2 dia laaa...

2. What objects in your room is really important to you?
My PDA, Laptop, Bantal!!!!

3. Are you good at hiding your feelings? really good at it..only my best fren knows me well

4. What kind of sense of humor do you have?
i  wanna make sure  that everyday i make somebody smile!!!! (Kira gak kan gtu)

5. Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
sometimes i do ....sebab bengang gak laaa least they know my feelings

6. How often do you give high fives?
not really!!!!

7. Do you know your father's birthday?
2nd January 1950

8. Do you prefer a call or a text?

9. Do your parents drink coffee every morning?

10. Do you think you'd be good enough to commit a crime and get away with it?
takot kot nk wat!!!! so xyah nk wat laaa

11. Are you wearing any jewelry?
a silver ring on my ring finger

12. Does a kiss make you feel better?
yes!!! I really need one right now!!!Somebody plz give me one!!!

13. Random thing thats happened lately?
busy  searching for my 1st guitar...i really wanna play

14. Is there anyone you trust even though you probably shouldn't?

15. Has anyone pissed you off today?

16. If alcohol were banned, what would your reaction be?
like so bagus!!!!hope that all of them will not drink again

17. Do you believe world peace is possible?
yes..if everbody joint together

18. Name some thing about the opposite sex that automatically turns you off?
those who have  bad attitude

19. interested in using?
a guitar!!!!

20. Do people underestimate you?
yes... because im so passive..that they not know me well

21. When you're in a bad mood, what will always put you in a better mood?
the person i loved call me

22. Honestly, do you talk about myspace in real life?
i dont have my space 

23. Do you have any really crazy relatives?

24. Pretend you're 15 deep in beers. Describe what you would be doing?
drown.....what is the question..thousand apologies!!!

25. Does anyone in your life know the real you?
yes, i know  there is somebody care about me a lot!!

26. Have you ever gotten naked at a party?

27. Have you ever broken a rib?
hell no!

28. What was the last thing you ate?
nasi lemak with chicken rendang

29. How do you feel RIGHT now?

GREAT!!!! wanna buy me a guitar!!!

30. Whose car were you in last?
adli's car....NISSAN SUNNY!!!!

31. Where did you go?
he send me home!!!

31. Is your birthday on a holiday?

32. Do you have to get your wisdom teeth out?
i had to remove myself

33. Life... How do you feel about it?
i enjoyed it with the one i love and my dearest frens

35. Do you have hairy legs?
yup...not so laaa

36. Are you sick?
sihat walafiat jek!!!

37. Describe your hair?

38. Do you like playing in leaves?
i really need it...

39. Have you ever thrown up on somebody as an adult?
yes, i have!

40. Have you ever had another adult throw up on you?
yes too!

41. Are you an adult?
im an adult

42. do you like orange juice?

43. Where do you wish you were right now?

44. What is your favorite thing to wear?
hmmm....long sleeves shirt with jeans

45. I say shotgun you say?

46. Who is your best friend?
ALYA ZAINUDDIN!!!!! Lots of hugs and kisses!!!! tq so much for everything

47. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
of course i care!!!

48. Who do you want to tag?


  1. big bro! cepat buat wedding tag tu!

  2. hello..sape die the one that u love tu??..saya bz body nak tau ;)
